Monday 21 March 2011

Synopsis Planning

We have gathered some ideas together and we have come to a synopsis which we all think might work as we all contributed to the idea. This is it:

The film will feature a schoolgirl who is shown to lead a normal happy life, however the focus of the opening is not on this but the way in which her life takes a turn for the worst. She is kidnapped and tortured by one of her school teachers who locks her in the school basement where no one will ever go to look. However, the identitity of the villain is never shown within the opening as this will give it all away and we do not want the audience to see his face until the end to ensure suspense is created.

She will be shown mostly in the basement, which is dark and looks like a make-shift torture camp with various props such as ropes, knives and the only lighting will come from a small lamp they have put on facing the victim. She will be tied up in a chair and at the beggining she is clearly intoxicated or unconciouss (not sure yet) as she is in a deep sleep whilst sitting on the chair. She will be in ragged school uniform, gaffa tape around her mouth and her make-up partially rubbed off to create effect.

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