Thursday, 10 March 2011

Opening Sequence Analysis -Saw III

Film Name: SAW 3
Genre: Horror

The last film I will analyse is SAW 3 which is again different to the previous two I have analysed, in order to identify as many features as possible in different genres.

saw 3 - part 1/6

This opening sequence is quite different to the previous two that I have analysed as it includes a lot more action. This is because it starts by showing dark lighting and the first victim being tortured whereas most other horrors dont reveal any of the torture within the opening sequence as it may give the plot away. Howeever as the film is all about torturing different people, it is logical for the first victim to show here in order to set the scene.

The logo and different company titles are done very well and personally I think the "Twisted Pictures" credits are very well done as they help set the genre of the film by the sound and the cisuals it shows almost like blades cutting across the titles. They have also used sound in the other credits to make them stand out even more and in the title of the film this is made even higher for emphasis and to set the mood for the audience as many will have watched the previous two and will be familiar with the plots of the sequels.

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